Welcome, Haere mai!
Piki mai, kake mai, nau mai, haere mai
We are the Association of Psychotherapists Aotearoa New Zealand, Te Rōpū Whakaora Hinengaro, a professional organisation dedicated to the advancement of all forms of psychotherapy.
Formerly known as NZAP, we changed our name in June 2024 to include Aotearoa to reflect our commitment to te tiriti and bi-culturalism.

We aim to facilitate excellence in the practice of psychotherapy and to nurture and link psychotherapy practitioners across the country.
As APANZ psychotherapy practitioners, we agree to uphold the values and ethics of our Association, to seek regular supervision as well as personal psychotherapy as needed, and to take opportunities to further learn and develop as practitioners.
Our members participate in professional enrichment, whanaungatanga and collegial connection through:
- Conferences
- Professional Development events
- Ata Journal of Psychotherapy of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Advanced Clinical Practice training (ACP)
- Regional branch meetings (PDF)
- Email discussion groups
- Newsletters
We are a voice for the value of psychotherapy as a key treatment for psychological and emotional distress and recognise that all health and wellbeing is shaped by wider social, political and economic realities. Through Public Issues we advocate for greater access to psychotherapeutic services and for social justice and equality.
We welcome new enquiries from applicants for membership. For further information, please contact our Administrator. We are potentially able to manaaki suitably qualified people into a pathway towards provisional membership and/or full membership. The three possible routes to membership are: the Advanced Clinical Practice training (ACP), He Ara Maori ACP (further information coming soon) and via registration with the Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ). Student membership is also available, for people who are on a recognised psychotherapy training course.
A Code of Ethics (PDF) guides the practice of our members. The public are also safeguarded by the APANZ Complaints Procedure and professional practice reviews. APANZ’s structure was established by a Constitution and is maintained by members in regional branches (PDF), and at national level by an elected President and Council with committees. An Administrator provides administration services.
APANZ regards supervision as essential for all psychotherapy practitioners throughout their working life. Supervision offers the opportunity to discuss and reflect on all aspects of clinical work, including the clinician’s own unconscious contributions to difficulties. It also offers an opportunity for development and support for what can be lonely and difficult work.
For Full Members there is no oversight or requirements about frequency or type of supervision or who your supervisor is. It is expected that members will exercise responsible judgment about their needs for their own and their clients’ safety. The Psychotherapy Board (PBANZ) has regulatory oversight of registered psychotherapists’ supervision and development.
For Provisional Members of APANZ there are supervision requirements. Those who are Provisional Members through Interim Registration need a supervision contract with an APANZ member. Those who are Provisional Members through the Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) pathway to membership need a supervision contract with an approved Training Supervisor. This supervision needs to be weekly for the duration of the training and progress is discussed at the Training Supervisors’ Group.
Psychotherapy takes place within the context of complex relationships. Sometimes psychotherapy raises boundary issues and ethical questions which are difficult for a psychotherapy practitioner and client to manage. There may be occasions when it is appropriate to complain. The psychotherapy profession is enhanced when there are pathways to address ethical breaches.
In the first instance, we encourage you to address concerns directly with your therapist, if you believe this is possible. The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service is a free, independent service which may provide support doing so or can talk through your options for making a complaint.
https://advocacy.org.nz Freephone 0800 555 050
A formal complaint can be made to the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC) about any health or disability service. The HDC may also refer your complaint to the Psychotherapy Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ) for investigation if your therapist is a Registered Psychotherapist. PBANZ is the body which, by law, is responsible for ensuring that psychotherapists are competent and fit to practise.
https://www.hdc.org.nz Freephone 0800 11 22 33
APANZ Structure
Members of the Association are supported by a professional structure that includes The Constitution and Rules, and a Code of Ethics (note that a complaints procedure is available through the regulating authority, The Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand and the office of the Health and Disability Commissioner). This structure has regional and national components.
APANZ is governed by a Council of thirteen representatives, seven elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting, four elected by the Council itself, and two appointed by our partnership organisation, Waka Oranga. It is made up as follows:
- President (elected by Council)
- Immediate Past President or President-Elect (depending on the year – elected by Council)
- Honorary Secretary (elected by members)
- Treasurer (elected by members)
- Chair of Ethics and Professional Standards Committee (elected by Council)
- Chair of ACP Committee (elected by Council)
- Chair of Whakaoha Aroha/TTBC (elected by members)
- Four Ordinary Members (elected by members)
- Two Waka Oranga representatives
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Past President or President-Elect, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer, Chair of the Advanced Clinical Practice, Chair of Ethics and Professional Standards Committee and Chair of Whakaoho Aroha/Te Tiriti Bicultural Committee.
Council meets together in person twice a year, and monthly via Zoom. Any member may, upon request, attend a Council meeting, except when the Council is ‘in committee’ (needing to talk privately).
There are several permanent and temporary committees. The main ones are:
- ACP (Advanced Clinical Practice – a qualification offered by APANZ which is sufficient for registration with PBANZ) Committee oversees and administers the admission of Provisional Members on the ACP pathway, and their training, including the written and oral assessments that lead to Full Membership and the awarding of the ACP certificate.
- Ethics and Professional Standards Committee is concerned with the Code of Ethics and matters arising from it. It runs as an Ethics Help Desk and can offer members: a phone call with the Committee chair to talk through your situation; access to the combined experience and knowledge of the committee, if helpful and finally; an online meeting with several committee members to talk in more depth, for support, reflection or thinking together about what you would like to do.
- Whakaoho Aroha/Te Tiriti Bicultural Committee has members across the regions and oversees matters arising from Te Tiriti o Waitangi and biculturalism throughout the activities of APANZ. It normally has two co-Chairs, Māori and Pākehā.
- Public Issues Committee deals with APANZ influence in public policy and social issues wider than the immediate concerns of psychotherapy practice. It advises on government policy, issues press statements and monitors social policy and equity in society.
- He Ara Māori Advanced Clinical Practice Committee (HAMACP) works to develop a Māori pathway to membership, equivalent to the ACP, and administers and oversees matters relating to it.
- Education Fund Committee administers a fund to which members can apply for support for professional education.
- The Digital Communications committee oversees the overall communication strategy for APANZ and the platforms associated, including the maintenance of the website.
- Conference Organising Committees are comprised of different groups of members across Aotearoa each year to organise the annual APANZ conference.
The Chairs of the ACP, Whakaoho Aroha/TTBC and Ethics Committees sit on Council. The Chairs of Public Issues, HAMACP, Digital communications and Education Fund may, but do not necessarily, sit on Council.
An Administrator is employed to assist in all administrative matters.
You can find contact details of the Council members and Committee Chairs on our Contact page.
Members of APANZ
There are:
- Full Members
- Provisional Members
- Retired Members (including Semi-retired Members)
- Student Members
- Life Members
Regional branches
The Association has regional branches in Otago, Christchurch, Nelson-Marlborough, Wellington and Northern. The branches are autonomous in the way they organise their affairs, though it is usual to have a convenor, and sometimes also a treasurer. Branches have their own finances, deriving income from various events including national conferences, which traditionally are organised by a branch. You can find their contact details on our Contact page.
Meetings are organised according to each region’s needs and wishes. Branches often host academic meetings and business meetings, and often a mixture of the two.
Each branch establishes a means to support the training and supervision of Provisional Members. Usually this is done by means of a Supervisors Training Group. The means to do this is flexible and determined at the local level. This group will liaise with the national ACP Committee. In addition, the branches each have their own rituals for welcoming new members.
Conferences and professional development
Conferences can be organised by a branch or a group of members. Currently they are held annually in venues across Aotearoa.
Workshops and other events are organised nationally as well as regionally.
- The ACP Handbook is updated as needed. It is a resource for members on the ACP pathway.
- The Newsletter, reflecting the varied viewpoints and concerns of members, is published and distributed to all members periodically, usually three times a year.
- A peer-reviewed Journal of collected papers is published twice a year. Hard copies are distributed to all members, and electronic copies are also available online.
Public Issues
The Public Issues Committee works to influence public policy and social issues wider than the immediate concerns of psychotherapy practice. We advise on government policy, issue press statements and monitor social policy and equity in society. We advocate for recognition of psychotherapy to the media, to other professional groups and to the community at large. We also raise awareness amongst our members of public issues that may concern their practice. Our press statements can be found on Scoop and our submissions can be read on the NZ Parliament website.
APANZ Code of Ethics
APANZ Constitution
APANZ members have access to subsidised indemnity insurance as part of their membership benefits.