Becoming a member
There are several pathways to membership, each with qualifying criteria and steps to take along the way. These are described below. It can take a little while to work out which pathway is best for you. Our administrator will help you clarify which to choose.
Admission as a registered psychotherapist
This path is suitable if you already have interim or full registration with The Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ).
You must complete an application form (please request this from the Administrator) and pay the annual fee. Once you have completed these steps, the APANZ Council will ratify your membership.
All psychotherapists with either interim or full registration must have a registered psychotherapist or a health practitioner approved by the Board as supervisor.
Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) qualification
This qualification is a pathway for full membership to APANZ. It is for clinicians who are qualified in psychotherapy or a related discipline. For further information on the qualification process and related documents, see the ACP page.
Student membership
We encourage students who are enrolled with one of the training providers listed below and are in their first or subsequent year of the clinical part of their training to join APANZ as student members.
- Master of Psychotherapy, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Auckland
- Psychodrama, PANZ ( Psychodrama Aotearoa New Zealand), Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin
- Conversational Model, ANZAP (Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy), Online with some travel to Sydney Australia required
- Jungian Analysis, ANZSJA, (The Australian and New Zealand Society for Jungian Analysts), Combination of online and in-person. Some travel to Australia and within New Zealand required
- Transactional Analysis, Aotearoa New Zealand Transactional Analysis Association (ANZTAA), Wellington
- New Zealand Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, (NZSBA), Wellington
- Hakomi Institute, Taupo
- Psychosynthesis South Pacific Trust (PSP), Auckland
Student membership costs $35 annually and allows you to develop a relationship with APANZ and qualified psychotherapy practitioners. For more information please contact the Administrator.
Benefits of APANZ membership
“There are many things I appreciate and enjoy about being a member of APANZ but most of all I value the sense of belonging to a professional community of people who are committed to assisting human healing and development.”
Clare Elizabeth, psychotherapist & psychodramatist, New Plymouth
Participation in the life of our professional Association brings fellowship, opportunities to share problems and stretch our thinking, reflect on the ethics and efficacy of our practice and a chance to get to know, and be known by, other psychotherapy practitioners.
Get connected
We work in a solitary profession. This is true for those of us in private practice and also those who are working in DHB or agency settings amongst clinicians from other disciplines. We enjoy good company, hearing stimulating presentations, and debating issues and theories at Conferences and branch meetings.
“I presented a paper at the 2017 APANZ Conference. Despite the anxiety I felt regarding presenting, I found the experience a rewarding and worthwhile one. It helped me to feel a part of the profession and allowed me to articulate my work in an accepting environment of peers and colleagues.”
Emma Ellis, psychotherapist, Auckland
Be informed
We are informed by research and developments in treatment through Conferences, Waka Oranga Poutama, professional development events, reading APANZ Newsletters and our journal, Ata. Newsletters and hard copies of Ata are free with membership. APANZ sponsored seminars and Conferences offer a reduced registration rate for APANZ members.
“By attending APANZ conferences and trainings, I have gained appreciation for other models of psychotherapy and have grown the library of my mind. This enhances my capacity to think about and ‘be with’ my own experience and also that of the patient.”
Lynne Holdem, psychotherapist, Taranaki
Stay safe
The intense nature of relationships in psychotherapy can challenge boundaries (a phenomenon richly exploited in film and television shows). Regular supervision and staying connected and grounded in colleague relationships reduce the risk of unconscious enactments.
Our Code of Ethics (PDF) provides a guide to responsible and competent practice, and the work of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee ensures we are mindful of new requirements for safe and ethical practice. Members can also take out subsidised professional indemnity insurance to cover the costs of possible complaints.
Have a say
We are passionate about the potential of psychotherapy in the lives of individuals and communities and advocate on political and social issues and for psychotherapy through public issues. Joining together as a professional body allows a more prominent and effective voice in such matters. It is also important in the developing relationship with PBANZ that a national voice protects the interests of our members.
Give back
There are many opportunities for all members, Full, Provisional, Retired and Student, to become involved in the running of the Association at local and national levels. Service to APANZ deepens our sense of belonging, extends our friendship and referral network, and develops our skills and knowledge.