1 May 2024
This Matariki time we take time to remember and farewell Toni Shepherd, signified by the Pōhutakawa whetu from the Matariki constellation. Toni was a Ngāi Tahu wahine, a Mama, a life partner, an advocate, a warrior for her people, and an indigenous psychotherapist. She was a founding member of Waka Oranga and with a special roopu of people, became one of the first people to enter the world of psychotherapy in Aotearoa through the He Ara Māori pathway. This was not the only way she led in her chosen field of work.
Wiremu and Toni welcomed triplet girls into the world twenty three years ago and they continued to raise their precious whānau in line with ancestral wisdoms from te ao Māori. Toni continued to feel passion for ensuring Māori whānau were able to receive medical care in Aotearoa in a way that aligned their cultural and spiritual ways and beliefs. She brought this passion to her work at Starship Hospital, advocating and making important changes happen for whānau.
As was mentioned at her tangi repeatedly, her most important role by far was as Mama to her four girls and as partner to Wiremu. She is a greatly loved and esteemed member of our psychotherapy community and a Ngāi Tahu wahine of esteemed mana.
We farewell her with aroha.
E tū Pōuhutukawa Te kaikawe i ngā mate o te tau Haere rā koutou ki te uma o Ranginui Hei whetū i te kete nui a Tāne Koia rā! Kua whetūrangitia koutou kei aku rau kahu rangi!
nā Te Rūnanga o Waka Oranga
16 February 2023
He pānui aituā. He aituā!
Kua hinga to tātou mareikura
E hotuhotu ana ngā manawa
E heke ana ngā roimata
Ka hoki mai e hine ki ngā ringa i ou tūpuna.
It is with much sadness that we wish to advise our friends, colleagues, and members of the passing of our kuia, Whaea Hinewirangi Kohu Morgan.
Hinewirangi passed away on Wednesday, 15 February 2023, following a stay in hospital where she had been supported by whānau.
We have been fortunate to have been guided by the wise teachings and whakaaro of our kuia, who placed aroha, healing and the well-being of whānau at the centre of everything she did. With much strength and kaha, she sung her own soul into being and then generously shared that healing journey with many.
Kia hora te marino, Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, Kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tōu huarahi e te mareikura.
nā Te Rūnanga o Waka Oranga