Distinguished Service Awards will be awarded to those who have provided distinguished service to the Association and/or psychotherapy.
Nominations will be called for by Council annually from the membership at large. These can be initiated by anybody and submitted through the Regional Branch Convenors accompanied by a letter outlining the services the nominee has provided to APANZ and/or psychotherapy.
- Nominations will be called for three months before the October/November Council meeting.
- Nominations must be drawn from the membership at large. On occasion, persons who are not members of the Association may be nominated.
- A nominee must have the support of their branch i.e. be well known to branch members, and members will have been given the opportunity to comment by email or at a branch meeting.
- Nominations should be received by the Honorary Secretary, by the dates specified.
- Special consideration will be given to those with a long active career in the profession and Association.
- Council will select those nominees it considers most meritorious to a maximum of four (4) recipients per annum.
- Consideration should be given to nominees not being notified prior to the Council vote as the nomination may not be awarded by Council.
- The honoree, and the person(s) who nominated them, will be notified in writing and will be expected to keep the decision confidential until the time the award is announced.
- A ‘citation’ will be written collaboratively, by the nominator and Honorable Secretary or Executive Officer, to be read out at the awarding of the DSA and after that will be posted on our website. (See https://apanz.org.nz/roll-of-honour/ for citation examples.)
Distinguished Service Awards will be presented where possible and appropriate at a celebration at the next APANZ Conference. Consideration should be given to presenting the Award at the next Conference in the Recipients home area. The Award shall comprise a framed certificate and a book token for an amount to be determined by Council. There is no obligation upon Council to make any award in a particular year if it does not consider there is a nominee deserving of an award and there is no limit to the number of persons who can hold Distinguished Service Awards, although each honoree can only be awarded once.
Updated December 2017
Distinguished Service Awards Terms of Reference Dec 2017 (PDF)