A Supervision Workshop with a focus on identifying and working with primitive mental states.
The weekend will focus on individual cases and the specific quality of sensate experience that can inform our thinking and interventions.
Risking to share the minutiae of case material, counter-transference, dreams and reveries will be listened to, and together, mined towards deepening our mental and sensate capacities for being with our patients and with our selves.
This will give us an opportunity to reflect and expand on identifying the nature, quality and meanings of primitive states of experience. How to both bear and when appropriate, be curious and imaginative in a place that is designed to defy both.
Participants wanting to present a case are requested to prepare a brief history, be familiar with the material of the session, and if possible, to bring verbatim, including the first and last couple of minutes of beginning and ending the session.
It is important that participants commit to the five sessions.
Louise is in private practice in Motueka/Nelson, working as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and supervisor and training supervisor for NZAP ACP candidates.
After completing her Diploma in Psychotherapy, Louise continued to develop her understanding of Object Relations and Post-Kleinian psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Aspects of particular interest have been ‘hard to reach’ patients and the nature of ambiguity, symbiosis and autism in understanding their particular isolation and their struggle to change.
The weekend costs $300. There is an additional evening seminar which costs $20.
To register please complete the form on the flyer (PDF) and send it to Ashburn Clinic.