Flyer-Spring-School-of-Spontaneity-Nelson (PDF 111 KB)
This non-residential workshop is designed for people who work with people ie. in health, education, community and business organisations, social work, and other therapeutic fields. The workshop is designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced trainees.
If you are new to psychodrama, or you have not trained with us before, you will have a training interview with one of our trainers prior to being accepted onto this training workshop.
Dr J L Moreno (the founder of psychodrama) recognised the essential nature of spontaneity to our survival and on-going development as human beings. Spontaneity is the flow of vital energy that emerges when people surrender all their blocks and conflict. It cannot be stored up or held onto, however, spontaneity can be developed. The psychodramatic method invites us to leave the conserved and stultified patterns by which we have imprisoned ourselves and to enter once again into a free situation.
In this playful workshop you will learn about Moreno’s five levels of spontaneity. You will participate in activities that will encourage imaginative flow and increase the ability to say ‘yes’ to life as it presents moment by moment. Two local practitioners of spontaneity training will lead sessions on improvisation and the use of the voice and music. There will be opportunities to enact short dramatic enactments so that individual and group spontaneity is maximised and perceptions and solutions emerge. Spontaneity involves presence and authenticity. Your increased spontaneity will invite increased connection with your clients, colleagues, families and friends.
Cher Williscroft (TEP Sociodramatist) and Claire Guy (TEP Psychodramatist) have a vision to build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodramatic and sociodramatic enactments with courage and lightness. We aim to co-create an open learning environment. All trainees and practitioners will be encouraged to try out new things with generous encouragement and coaching. Your learning may be through personal work, group leadership, auxiliary work, producing dramatic enactments, through your reflections and through the relationship you develop with others on the workshop.
Click link to enrol.
Telephone: Claire Guy 021 119 2533 or Cher Williscroft 03 545 2567