Mastering Redirection Therapy: one week workshop, Kapiti
Redecision Workshop Brochure What? Modern neuroscience indicates that it is working with the emotional brain that produces the most effective change in psychotherapy. Redecision therapy is a powerful, short-term treatment approach that works experientially with the emotional brain to produce lasting change. It treats a number of emotional problems including depression, anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and early trauma. It integrates cognitive, behavioural, and affective work in a brief, but in-depth, approach. It is an action-oriented method that elicits the…
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EMDR basic training, Auckland
EMDR Flyer NZ 2019 Dr Francine Shapiro is the originator and developer of the EMDR approach to psychotherapy. Rigorous research has established the efficacy of EMDR as a front line treatment for PTSD. Research has now extended well beyond the trauma field with supportive studies in the areas of phobias, panic disorder, grief, sexual dysfunction, chemical dependency, sexual addiction, pathological gambling, dissociative disorders, performance enhancement, somatic disorders and a variety of other diagnosis. In 1990 Dr Shapiro founded the EMDR…