Ka mua, ka muri

A celebration of 75 years of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists

Online Event, 1 – 3 April 2022

Open to members and non-members.

Recordings of presentations now available!

Ngā mihi nui to all those who celebrated with us on our 75th anniversary,  exploring how we bring psychotherapy with us into the future in Aotearoa.

We thank you for your time and contribution in making the 2022 conference a success! Recordings have now been made available to all those who registered.


Recordings of presentations and panels are also available to anyone who missed the conference for a flat rate of $150. Please register below if you would like access to these. (Note- Question and answer sessions have not been included for privacy reasons)

In Te Ao Māori, time is conceived as circular rather than linear. Ka mua, ka muri. Each new day falls down towards us. As we walk backwards into the future, we look to the past to understand what is needed in the present.

In The Red Book, Carl Jung spoke of the Spirit of the Times, the zeitgeist that forms our conscious rational mind, morals and values; and the Spirit of the Depths, timeless and eternal, like a living breathing sea, unconscious and full of potential.

We cannot know what is coming towards us. If we are connected to ourselves and each other in the present while looking to the past, we have more awareness of the spirit of the times and the spirit of the depths. In dialogue, stories of the present, wisdom of the past, intimations of the future and observations are woven together.

A panel of APANZ members will speak on how we might bring psychotherapy with us into the future in Aotearoa. Workshops, papers, and group conversations are possible. Time to be together, to listen, discuss and reflect.