Peter Hubbard is honoured for his contributions to the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists and to psychotherapy training in New Zealand.
Peter served NZAP as a member of Council from 1993 until 1998, a very interesting time for the Association in terms of procedures, portfolio definition and supervision expectations. Peter is particularly recognised for his work with the NZAP publications. The Association has been fortunate to be able to access his skills as an Editor and his knowledge of the publishing world.
For a time he was the Newsletter Editor, and in that role he became aware that there was the possibility of a more formal publishing endeavour. He suggested that this could take the form of a Journal in which the breadth of psychotherapy practice could be represented. Peter was very interested in what a particularly New Zealand expression of psychotherapeutic practice might look and sound like. His vision and commitment brought Forum the NZAP Journal, into being, and he had the sole responsibility for its launching in June 1995. For the first three issues he gathered articles, edited and prepared them for publication, and saw the work through production to finish and delivery for posting out. He approached this task with warmth, encouragement, enthusiasm and collegiality. NZAP is extremely grateful to Peter for establishing a Journal of such high quality, both academically and in terms of the form of the publication. In 1998 he approached others to join him, and formed the Journal Editorial Group. In 1999 he stepped down as Editor but he remained an active member of the group until 2004.
Peter has also benefited the wider life of psychotherapy in New Zealand through his establishment, jointly with Helen Palmer, of the Institute of Psychosynthesis, one of the oldest formal psychotherapy training organisations in this country. The institute had its 21st birthday in November 2007. Through the Institute Peter has been directly responsible for training many people in psychotherapy; people who in their turn have gone on to make significant contributions to NZAP.